April 24-25, 2025, Athens,Greece

Exclusive Sponsorship Opportunities

If your company is interested in a unique conference sponsorship, then the following opportunities are for you!
These sponsorship options are for a specific event or activity during the conference or a particular item associated with the conference.


This is a unique opportunity to spotlight your company at the ultimate kick-off social event of USARCONFERENCES 2025! The Welcome Reception provides a platform for all conference attendees to mingle and network with the speakers, exhibitors and attendees.
Co-patron signage will be displayed throughout the welcome reception area
Company logo displayed in the welcome reception area to provide brand exposure and at the conference website


Reach attendees during conference luncheon. Patron signage will be displayed throughout select luncheon area. Available two days • Company logo displayed in the award luncheon area to provide brand exposure, and at the conference website


Coffee breaks will be served during breaks on each day of the conference sessions. sponsors will be given the opportunity to sponsor a coffee break selection of their choice. Co-sponsors signage will be displayed throughout select coffee break areas • Company logo displayed in the coffee break area to provide brand exposure, and at the conference website


The conference banquet is always very well attended as participants take the opportunity to network and establish contacts in a relaxed setting. Co-patron signage will be displayed throughout select conference banquet area • Company logo displayed in the conference banquet area to provide brand exposure, and at the conference website

Send an email to the organizer: organizer@usarconferences.org

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Universal Society for Applied Research (USAR)

University of West Attica, Greece


university of colorado denver, USA

Institute for Advanced Studies in Communication- Brazil