19-23 September, Athens,Greece


Applications of Computer Science in Modeling
Artificial Intelligence
Business Aspects of IT Convergence
Cloud Computing
Computer Architecture
Computer Vision
Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Computer Networks
Computer in Agriculture
Computing in Energy Technology
Computing in Hybrid/Convergence Service/Technology
Computing in Medical Service/Technology
Data Mining
Database Systems
Digital Signal and Image Processing
Digital System and Logic Design
Distributed and Parallel Systems
E-commerce and E-governance
Formal Methods
Fuzzy Logic

Computer Games and Animation
Graph Theory and Computing
High performance and Next Generation Computing
Human Computer Interaction
Information and Technology fo Smart Cities
Information Security
Information Systems
Internet and Web Applications
Knowledge and Data Engineering
Language Processing
Learning Management System and e-Learning
Mobile computing
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Operating Systems
Pattern Recognition
Programming Languages
Software Engineering
System Security and Control
Ubiquitous Computing

II- Communication Systems

Communication Models for Smart Cities
Future Internet/Future Networks
QoS/QoE and Resource Management
Green Networking
Optical Networks
Wireless networks
Mobile networks
Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
Ubiquitous Networks and Internet
Network Security
Coding and Information Theory, Wireless
Ultrasonic Communications
Satellite Communications
Free Space and Fiber-Optic Software Defined Radio
Cognitive Radio
Cooperative Communications
Secured Communication Systems Multi-antenna Communication Systems
Image, Audio, Video Processing, Analysis and Applications
3D Image Processing and Scene Analysis
Multiview Data Integration
3D Scene or Model Reconstruction from Time-of-Flight Cameras
3D Computer Vision Systems and ApplicationsImage

Based Human-Computer Interaction
Biomedical Signal Processing and Analysis, Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Function Imaging
PACS and Imaging Informatics
Ambient Intelligence
Signal Processing in GNSS
Signal Filtering, Detection and Estimation
Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling
Passive, Active Devices
Integration Techniques
Nano-Scale Devices
Millimeter-Wave and THz Components
Wideband, Multiband Antennas
Smart Antennas
Digital Beam Forming



Smart grid,

Renewable energy network

IoT for Smart grid

IoT and renewable energy management

Renewable energy prediction

Renewable energy optimisation

Smart home, cities

Energy in buildings

Energy economics

Energy planning and management

Analysis of energy consumption patterns

Learning for energy consumption

Optimisation of energy management

Soft computing applied to renewable energy

Renewable energy orchestration/choreography

Hydrogen systems

Smart control and management

Green Energy

Energy Storage

Smart vehicle

System automation

Fuzzy logic:

Neural networks

Computer vision: Autonomous vehicles

Robotics: Industries

Expert system: Design domain



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